
Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

VBS thursdays

loipon, apo shmera anakirisw tis pemptes os hmeres afierwmenes sto VBS tv(click). to vbs gia osous de 3eroun einai mia online tileorash pou provalei documanter pou exoun na kanoun me mousiki, taksidia, texnes kai genika polla alla themata. Anoikei sto periodiko vice kai o dhmiourgos ths o Spike Jonze. arketa me auta.

h seiroula pou tha sas proteinw gia auth thn evdomada einai to Thumbs up!. Prokeitai gia 3 tupous pou prospathun na diasxisoun thn ameriki (west to east coast) phdontas panw se trena, kanontas autostop klp, oi legomenoi hitchhikers dld. tsekarete to sto dromo gnwrizoun kati gamatous tupous, polu kalh fash.

edw einai to prwto part ts seiras:

ama endiafeste apo katw exei kai ta upoloipa episodeia.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mondays Movie 2 : Waking Life

Loipon paroti eixa shotganiasei to mondays movie to libaki apofasise na me grapsei sta arxidia tou k na anartisei ta ta3idia tou finn.Dn lew swsto typaki alla oxi g mondays movie to postaki (P.S osoi dn to exete tsekarei deite to a3izei).Terma i grinia k to simerino postaki afwra mia tainia i opoia einai vasismeni se mia texniki pou legetai rotoscoping, vasika einai kati meta3y animation kai kanonikou film ka8oti i taineia gyristike stn pragmatikotita me kanonikous ithopoious k meta skasane i grafistes k tn triparane....me oli tn ennoia tis le3ews. Apo oti mou eipane i taineia gyristike apo kati typous pou eixane spoudasei filosofia se kapoia gamistera amerikanika panepistimia....classic(dystixws dn katafera na to epivevaiwsw me to wikipedia alla t na kanoume). Oson afora tn taineia stn arxi sou fenetai full vareti k akatalavistiki k baineis synexeia stn pirasmo n tn kliseis k na deis kati allo bas k aneveis alla a3izei oso tpt allo na tn deite mexri to telos opou ola e3igountai me tn diko sas tropo...Oso g tn ploki tis taineias dn tha pw tpt ka8oti tha prodwsei arketa tn oli istoria alla g na sas dei3w poso a3izei na kapoies kritikes g tn taineia
"a work of cinematic art in which form and structure pursues the logic-defying (parallel) subjects of dreaming and moviegoing"

"so verbally dexterous and visually innovative that you can't absorb it unless you have all your wits about you".

wriste kai to linkaki g na deite http://www.movies-links.tv/movies/waking_life/

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mondays Movie: Finn The Greek BeatBoxer Series

gi auth th vdomada de 8a valoume mia "tenia" alla ena series fash skiniko. De kserw an exete tsekaristei alla paizei enas tupos, o Finn(pio gnwstos ws Fid), o opoios skaei videakia sto youtube kanontas beatbox stis diafores polis/xwres pou episkeuptete. uparxoei mia collection apo videakia tou taksidiari filou mas apo amsterdam, milano, venetia kai alvania. genika tsekarete ton polu swsto tupaki ;)

ta taksidia tou:


Sunday, April 25, 2010

sundays songs/mini afierwma- The Swellers!

loipon, oi swellers ine kati theoulides apo to makrino michigan ts amerikis. Tous eidame tis proalles sto milano sto Give It A Name festival kai eixame tn eukairia na araksoume mazi tous meta to live kai einai gamw ta tupakia, eksou kai to afierwma se autous. Ksekinisan loipon to 2002 ta duo aderfia Nick/johnathan (pou ousiastika oloi h bada einai autoi duo afou ta upoloipa melh allazoun sunexws) kukloforontas ena self-released demo twn 3 kommatiwn (long and hard). to 2004 pali me dikia tous paragwgh xwris kapia diskografiki kukloforoun akoma ena demo to End Of Discussion. Meta thn kukloforia enos akoma EP( Beginning of the end again) erxete h prwth tous oloklhrwmenh douleia(Search And Rescue Records) , to My Everest pou kata th gnwmh mou einai oti kalutero exoun grapsei. Meta to bam pou kanane me to "My Everest" xwthikane sth Fueled By Ramen, diskografiki twn Paramore, Academy Is.. , Panic At The Disco klp kai kuklwforisane to Ups & Downsizing, polu kalo cd kai auto. Episis prepei na episimanw kathws eixa thn eukairia na tous dw kai live 2 fores, oi tupoi paizoun apisteuta, oute lathoi oute tipota, trelh fwnh o tupos, polu idiaiterh vasika. Genika htan toso kala paidia re pousth pou de mporei na mh tous akouseis kai as mh trwne kreas.

prwta vazw to "Bottles" ap'to "My Everest"

kai twra to ''Fire Away" me to gamato video clip ap to "Ups And Downsizing"


greek parody: toy story

To kalitero greek-parody pou exw dei teleytaia.

(pros tous upoloipous tou blog. paidia uparxei trelo uliko se greek-parody sto youtube. Opoios vlepei kati pou aksizei, na xtipaei to titlo tou "greek parody: blabla" loipon, gia na goustaroume oloi)

kapota s.

Monday, April 19, 2010

mondays movie!!!

shmera exei "FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS". mia tainia tou 1998 vasismenh sto upertrupio vivlio tou upertrupiou diashmou amerikanou dhmosiografou kai suggrafea hunter s. thompson. thewrw upoxrewsh oswn den ton exun akousta na pathsun edw.
thn tainia skhnothethse o terry gilliam me prwtagwnistes (kai kataplhktikous stous rolous tous) tous johny depp kai benicio del torro pou katelhksan na einai sto crew ths paragwghs meta apo xilia kumata. o idios o hunter den dexthke na ton upoduthei kaneis allos peran tou johny depp.

to story sxetika aplo. oi duo dudes (ek twn opoiwn o enas einai ousiastika o hunter) phgenun sto las vegas me afthona "pragmata" mazi tous gia na kalupsun autokinitistikous agwnes. h sunexeia tripia.

h tainia paroti thewreitai cult anthem shmera, apotelese mia terastia eispraktikh apotuxia (bhke peripou 8 ekatomuria dollaria mesa). otan kukloforhse se dvd omws egine anarpasth.

se kamia periptwsh de tha sas allaksei th zwh alla sigoura ine aptis tainies pou prepei na exei dei kaneis. instant classic pou leme!!! kalo trip;)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sundays song ..........

FOALS: h bada ftiaxthke to 2005 stin Oxfordi tis Agglias. Melos tis badas einai kai o ellinikis katagogis Yannis Philippakis,o opoios gia tin istoria na poume oti ekane to drop-out tou ap ti sxoli pou spoudaze to prwto xrono gia na asxolithei apokleistika me ti mousiki.

To eidos tis mousikis tous, opws me enhmerwnei to last.fm, xaraktirizetai ws indie rock-dance punk. Oi idioi lene oti kateuthinthikan se ayton ton hxo gia na ksefigoun apo tin -opoia-kapoia sovarothta.
eksupnoi "spastikoi" ruthmoi kai para polu kalh h emfanish tous epi ellhnikou edafous sto rockwave to kalokairi pou mas afhse.

Exoun grapsei 2 album, to "Antidotes"(2008) kai to "Total Life Forever"(2010) pou tha kukloforhsei stis 10 maiou, kathws kai kapoia EP prin apo ayta.

oriste loipon ena deigma:

PS: exoun grapsei tragoudi gia tis kathisteriseis tis Olympiakis! einai to "Olympic Airways" (klik edw)

ka po tas

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

ON THE ROAD :cyclown circus!

auth th fora exume tous cyclown circus! mia omada apo mousikous kai street performers pou taksideuoun apo xwra se xwra(43 mexri stigmhs) xrhsimopoiwntas ws monadiko metaforiko meso ta podhlata tous, ta opoia exoun to diplasio upsos malista apta paradosiaka.etsi sthnoun show me mousikh kai juggling sto dromo opou kai an pane.prin kamposo kairo eixan erthei sthn ellada kai eixe guristei gia partu tous malista mia tainia mikrou mhkous pou kategrafe th diamonh kai th drash tous edw. prin apo merikes meres pou milhsa mazi tous vriskontan sthn kwnstantinoupolh, ara katholou apithano to na mas episkeftoun ksana lian sudomws.na dume ti mas eipane!!!...

m.please introduce yourselves with a few words.who are cyclown circus, where are they from, what do they do and whats your aim?

c.The Cyclown Circus are a loose association of people, who ostensibly travel by bike accross continents, performing music and circus in the streets and villages and cities they pass. They are from many countries, though predominantly from north america and europe. The aim was always different for each member, though they shared a love of travel, bicycles, and performing. Some people were very interested in cycling against oil wars, others were more interested in cycling as a unique way to see the world. I think we all viewed performing as not only a means to support our travels, but also as a way to meet people and share something of ourselves with them. Especially where language was not an effective means of communication, entertaining certainly was!

m.how long ago and under what cicumstances(why) did you decide to start this thing?

c.The Circus started 10 years or so ago in the US. Some friends there had been in a project called 'the end of the world circus' which traveled by bus, actually many buses, from coast to coast for a few years. By the end of it, some people felt too much of their time was taken up repairing the buses, and all of their money went to gasoline (often leaving nothing for food). The solution? Leave the automobile behind! On a bike your only fuel is the food you eat and anyone can learn to repair the simple mechanics of a bicycle. This freed up our time, our money, allowing us to travel as a smaller group, allowing us to perform on the street instead of booking giant warehouse spaces. it was much nicer!

m.how many countries have you been to and which do you consider as the most interesting?tell us something crazy or realy weird youve experience throughout your trips?

c.I suppose we've been to 40 countries, all in all. It also depends what you consider a country? Are militarized seperatist regions like Abkhasia countries?

m.how did it come that you blend music with juggling and create a wider show?

c.Actually, we started out juggling and over the years have become more interrested in music! If you saw us perform now, odds are there would be only one or two circus acts, whereas a few years ago it would be a full hour of performing! It's mostly about who's part of the group. When people are with us who love to juggle and perform, thats what we do.

m.do you always travel by bike? and why dont you ride normal bikes instead of those skyscrapers?

c.Well, everyone wants to know that! We always travel WITH bike! When we started in europe, the first few years we were almost always riding the bikes. This is because europe is fairly lax with its visa regulations and we rarely worried about deportation or fines if we were to leave the country. Also europe is quite traveler friendly, so many squats and social centers!
When we left europe for turkey and asia, distances between cities became greater, the visa situation became more difficult. We started to take trains, or, for the first time in turkey we hitch hiked (tall bikes and everything!) to the border before our visa ran out! Also we had to cross russia by train due to the difficulties in obtaining a year long visa necessary to cross by bike.
On the other hand, we often biked through difficult mountainous areas, like greece, croatia, and yunan china, where the himilayas begin. Mountains are often the most beautiful places to cycle.
We ride the tall bikes for a number of reasons. The most important one is probably because they are funny and attract a lot of attention! Its much easier to gather a crowd for a street show with those bicycles, and quite easy to start a conversation with anyone you meed on the road. We also use the bikes in the show, as a frame for tight-rope walking, for instance! They're also quite easy to load with baggage, rather like a special kind of cargo bike.

m.which are the difficulties youre facing having a lifestyle like this, and would you ever consider leaving this behind to go on 9 to 5 jobs in a city?

c.Well, the difficulty was of course the weather and rain, but especially the 'what the fuck am i doing with my life" question that so many people had while pushing a 60 kilo bike up a mountain. Some of us have ended up with 'normal' jobs, like teaching, or repairing bikes. Some of us are now just sitting in cities like new orleans or san francisco or berlin, still performing and playing music and just occasionally venturing out on the bicycles!

m.how come youve changed so many members(myspace page says 150:P) but still have a solid sound and maintain a specific character?

c.Actually, our sound and character does change depending who joins. But, its more like it grows, and it grows in a certain direction. Its more like people assimilate to the group. of course!

8.how do you see the whole economic crisis-weregonnadie thing?

It depends a lot where in the world you are. I'm sure in greece it seems quite difficult, and in london too everyone was freaking out. But in Laos or Indonesia, i doubt anyone thinks much about it, and in China things might be going just according to plan! I think its more of a european/american western crisis, if you can imagine all the problems and upheavals that some other regions of the world have gone through!

9.do you want to say anything to greek people?
ti kanis malakas!

We'll be back soon to eat lots of baklava and souvlaki, just don't sell your islands to germany!

to myspace tous.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Monty Python!!!!!!!!
se pollous apo sas borei na leei kati to onoma se allous sas oxi,
an oxi tsekarete edw

EINAI APO TIS PIO ASTEIES-AKYRIES POU EXW DEI STHN ZWI MOY einai mia tainia apo tis polles tou vretanikou autou humoristikou group pou anaivazei to aggliko humor se entelws alla epipeda

h tainia legetai the holy grail kai exei na kanei me thn xazomara pou epikratouse ston mesaiwna prepei opwsdhpote na thn deite kai na deite kai to life of brian pou koroidevei thn zwi tou xristou!! parte mia geusi kai apo auto


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sundays Song

Arxika thelw na ekfrasw ta sugxarhtiria mou ston kollhto kapota o opoios me perisia xarh kai deksiotexnia katafere na prosgeiwsei ena fresko augo apo ton deutero orofo tou spitiou tou sto kefali tou mike.
opws katalavenete to augo espase kai aplwthike sta sexualika bouklakia tou xiph filou mas,me apotelesma na kanoume oloi 6-pack ap ta gelia pou akolouthisan.
nailed it.-

Sto thema mas loipon.
Oi Bloody Beetroots einai duo italoi tupoi pou anakalupsa prosfata.H mousikh tous xaraktirizetai ws electronica (parolo pou dn nomizw oti einai arketa eustoxos aftos o xarakthrismos) kai exoun peksei me pollous megalous djs. to kommati auto einai mia theikh diaskevi sto Seek And Destroy twn metallica kai exei titlo Ill To Destroy.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


ena endiaferon link pou mou irthe shmera!
ena documentary gia to ergostasio tou zanon.
otan to ergostasio ekleise oi ergates phran th dioikhsh sta xeria tous kai arxisan na to autodiaxeirizontai me oles tis apofaseis na lamvanontai sullogika sto sumvoulio tous.
vasika ta leei ola ekei de thanaferw kati parapanw.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


loipon, apofasisa epitelous na moirastw me ton eksw kosmo mia apopsh pou exw gia ta kornfleiks h opoia me apasxolei apo tote pou ta gamisane me auth thn olikh alesh mi xesw.

katarxas, ws latreis twn dhmhtriakwn tha thela na sas thumisw(pou an de to thumaste kai de vlepete diafora apla den iste alithinoi katanalwtes kornfleiks) thn epoxh pou akoma h oliki alesh den eixe mpei sth zwh mas. gemizes to bowl me kornfleiks, erixnes to gala, anakateves ligo me to koutali, kai tsoup to gala sokolatiaze..me to pou etrwges th prwth mpoukia gemize to prwino sou sokolata..htan kati to uperoxo. hlikrina prepei na einai ap tis kaluteres paidikes mou anamnuseis.

pleon, h fash einai, vazeis liga kornfleiks, POLU gala (tha katalavete to giati) anakateueis, lismoneis to kafe gala ton paidikwn sou etwn kathws tora apla ine ASPRO, trws mpoukia, niwtheis th kataramenh oliki alesh, sunexizeis gia kamia 15aria mpoukies, kai meta, xwneis to deutero gemisma. sto deutero loipon gemisma tha paratiriseis to gala na sokolatizei kai genika na fernei ligo sto TOTE. (eksou kai o logos pou valame polu gala ap thn arxh wste na xei minei gia to deutero guro gia na exei th sokolata twn duo gemismatwn wste na epiteux8ei kai o stoxos mas). kai mono tote apolamvaneis prwino.


hint: tha exete proseksei oti ta kellogs den to xoun gurisei se oliki gamioalesh. kati pou exei kanei i nestle kai alles etairies.

shmeiwsh: oi true cornfleiksades trwne me mikro koutalaki gia megaluterh apolaush.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Posh epifaneiaki diaskedasi antexete??
poso aima 8elete sthn tainia pou 8a deite simera??
poso ligo 8elete na provlhmatisteite??

Gia olous esas pou h poiothta einai to A kai to Ω sthn zwi sas,
gia olous esas pou psaxneste ligo parapanw me thn zwi sas kai DEN arkeiste sthn mashmeni trofh pou sas dinei h shmerinh pragmatikothta sthn diaskedasi




Lance. copyright 2010
All rights reserved

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

mondays movie!

an kai pali kathusterhsame kai ftasame trith to mondays movie pote de pethainei!
shmera exume na proteinume mia nea uperparagwgh. sunhthws den promotarume megales paragwges gia eunohtous logous alla h sugekrimenh pragmatika to aksizei.
prokeitai gia th megaluterh paragwgh ever sthn istoria twn enhlikwn aisthsiakwn tainiwn.
eidika efe, terata, trupes sthn avusso ths thalassas, maxes me skeletous, karavia h tainia ta exei ola.me prwtagwnistries opws tis: katsumi, shawna lee, jesse jane kai genikotera to pantheon twn brazzers katalavenete oti einai polu dunato xarti. to trailer ta leei ola!!!dustuxws den kserw pou tha vreite oloklhrh th tainia...

gia osous thewrun to parapanw anaksio ths prosoxhs tous parusiazume th tainia pou apolamvanume oloi kathe pasxalia, to aristourghma tou aeimnhstou franco jeffirelli: o ihsus apo th nazaret. mia pragmatika kalh tainia pou aksizei na th deite aneksarthta apo tis thriskeutikes sas pepoithhseis.gurismenh to 1977 me ton robert powell se enan aptous kaluterous rolous tou xristou pou exume dei.instant classic!!!

uparxei oloklhrh h tainia sto youtube;)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

sundays song!

prin merika xronia (arketa tha elega) hmun sena diskopwleio en onomati jinx to opoio pleon den uparxei pia kai akouga sto cd player tou mia bada pou mou kinhse amesws to endiaferon h opoia epishs den uparxei pia. sundays song loipon apo thn uperbada pou akouge sto onoma AT THE DRIVE-IN. me kanoun na thelw na glupsw ta autia mou.
dhmiourghthikan to 1993 kai dialuthikan to 2001. ta vasika tous melh oi duo upertheiles latinofatses omar rodriguez-lopez(kitharistas paroti epaize mpaso sthn arxh) kai cedric bixler-zavala(fwnh) ftiaksan argotera thn allh uperbada pou ufistatai akoma me to onoma THE MARS VOLTA.
epeidh omws milame gia tous at the drive-in na poume oti einai aptis pio sevastes bades sto xwro tou punk kai post-hardcore afou uphrksan oi pio kainotomoi isws sauto to eidos toso mousika oso kai stixourgika. ekseliksan tis melwdies kai ta ruthmika tous idiaitera alla diathrhsan thn apisteuth energeia tous kai auto htan pou tous edine to toso idiaitero xarakthra tous. exoun xarakthristei kai ws oi epomenoi nirvana(an kai proswpika de mu leei kati auto) to album tous "relationship of command" enas aptous kaluterous diskous tou 21ou aiwna kai katatassontai sth thesh 539 twn kaluterwn mousikwn ever.xaaxaxaxaxa.

parte pws paizune ta typakia mesa sto studio tou letterman gia na katalavete.
kai parte kai ena link na psaxteite ligo.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

euxaristo apogeumatino tsai.

th paraskeuh perasame me th filh sofia ena euxaristo apogeuma sth panepisthmioupolh.
kai mias kai h mera eixe thriskeutiko kai katanuktiko xarakthra (ws m.paraskeuh) ephrreasthkame.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

afierwma: banned commercials!

Μια κουβέντα καταρχάς για τα σχεδόν αυτονόητα. Τα banned commercials λοιπόν είναι διαφημίσεις που σε κάποιες χώρες πήρανε πούλο και δεν παιχτήκανε ποτέ. Απαγορεύτηκε η προβολή τους στην τηλεόραση γιατί ήταν έτσι.. κάπως.. κάπως προκλητικές τελοσπάντων.

Oriste loipon ενα δείγμα:

(σημείωση: κάποιες απο αυτές έχουν παιχτεί στην Ελλάδα)


epic fail

check this out!

kai tsekarete kai auto to komataki:
