
Monday, April 12, 2010


Monty Python!!!!!!!!
se pollous apo sas borei na leei kati to onoma se allous sas oxi,
an oxi tsekarete edw

EINAI APO TIS PIO ASTEIES-AKYRIES POU EXW DEI STHN ZWI MOY einai mia tainia apo tis polles tou vretanikou autou humoristikou group pou anaivazei to aggliko humor se entelws alla epipeda

h tainia legetai the holy grail kai exei na kanei me thn xazomara pou epikratouse ston mesaiwna prepei opwsdhpote na thn deite kai na deite kai to life of brian pou koroidevei thn zwi tou xristou!! parte mia geusi kai apo auto


1 comment:

kapotas said...
