
Monday, November 9, 2009

cool story bro!

me aformh thn ataka enos filou mou pou mou elege olh thn wra -cool story bro! thumithika na katevasw ti kainurgia tainia snowboard tis think thank pou legetai cool story fusika.
paroti mu aresan apisteuta oles oi paragwges tis etaireias pou eixa dei sto parelthon i sigekrimenh apla paei olo to thema 10 epipeda parapanw.den exw ksanadei pouthena kai pote toso dhmiourgikous tupous kai toso eksupnous panw sto sanidi tous.otan deite monon tote tha katalavete ti ennow.(edw kollaei kai mia ataka pou eixa akousei kapote apo allo filo mu: when the mountain is my playground)
nai kserw diafhmish sth skatoetaireia kai bla bla bla alla to cool story ine an ohi ena apta kalutera snowboard video pou exoun guristei pote tote sigura to kalutero tis fetinhs sezon.parte ena teaser gia arxh kai osoi pistoi as to katevasun (mi trelathume kiolas oti vriskeis sto internet tsaba den to plirwneis).
adios encantadeos.mike.

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